JournoDAO Weekly: Job Listings and Going on Tour
Photo by Ross Parmly on Unsplash

JournoDAO Weekly: Job Listings and Going on Tour

School buses are back on the road, there’s a faint whisper of fall in the air and we’re plugging away over here at JournoDAO trying to restore sanity to the current reality of our media. And by “restore sanity” we mean “decentralize all the things”.

We’re gearing up for some big events in the coming weeks and that means we’ve been working hard at honing in our mission and our message as we bring more journalists into the Web3 ecosystem.


  • Eric is about to hop a plane and jet off to the Media Party in Buenos Aires, Argentina next week and expose the whole continent to the potential of web3 journalism.
  • Check out the @JournoDAO Twitter account for some recent retweets about job openings in the industry or just scroll down for the embeds.
  • We’re working with the promotions team at ONA to polish our promo video and prepare for our big presentation to a room full of eager online journalists looking to embrace web3.
  • MCON is just around the corner and some of the team and our Founding NFT Collectors will be wandering the streets of Denver sharing all the DAO goodness we can!
  • Join our Telegram group to participate in the IRL events and stay in the loop of all the action at those conferences and beyond.
  • We hosted a special Spaces last week with DeSci World, click here to listen.
  • As usual, we’re still looking for a few more founding collectors to join our mission and support the DAO. If you’re curious about supporting this group of regen news nerds, please click here to make that happen.

Journalism and Media Jobs

Here are a few tweets about job openings in the industry that we thought our members might find interesting. At some point we'll have our own job board where these listings can live.

Governance and Building

Development and testing on the voting and $JOURNO apps continues, but not many big milestones from the week.

If you'd like to help test, DM us on Twitter, find us on Discord, or email us at [email protected]. We're testing on Optimism Goerli and Stripe's testing sandbox.

Collabs and Conversations

As usual, we held our weekly Town Hall last Wednesday and it was a fabulous reconnect after our little summer vacation the week before. We bounced through a plethora of topics and then wrapped it up with a deep dive into our opinions on The Network State book published recently by Balaji.

Our Spaces last week was super hot as we hosted a conversation with our friends at DeSci World talking about all things DeSci and how the decentralization of science and media intersect in some surprising ways. Please head over and listen!

Onward and Upward!

Thanks so much for supporting our mission and please share this update on the Twitters and in your community! And if you haven’t already, please submit the form below and join our mission!

Please share this update with your community and apply to join our DAO using this link. We’d love to see you in the Discord!

And please don’t forget to gather that ETH and DON’T collect our Founders NFT!