Journalism + Web3 =

JournoDAO is an incubator for projects that transform and rethink the journalism ecosystem. Using web3 tools, we're building the future of journalism:

  • 🌎🧑🏽‍💻🕸 Decentralized newsrooms
  • 🔗🕵🏻‍‍📰 On-chain reporting
  • 🏅🔑💸 Tokenized ownership
  • 👩🏽🤝👨🏿‍🦱 Peer-to-peer distribution
Illustration of a person reading a newspaper

Donations open until May 9th

Even $1 can unlock $100 - $1000 in matching fees. Any amount helps!

Our community is classified as a public good.


Upgrading Journalism

We're bringing the tools, skills, and outlets into the future.

Connect value to creators

The people who benefit from local journalism pay for the service directly.

De-value attention

Attention is a poor measure of value. Basing our current media agenda around monetized attention is a root cause of much of today's dysfunction.

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Open-source algorithms

The era of predatory and biased recommendation engines is over. Community owned algorithms can help deliver a truly balanced, highly-valuable news diet.

Community Owned

The best way to prevent extractive media businesses is to give ownership back to the community.

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Press Fix

Press Fix is our podcast where we explore the intersections of decentralization, media and independent journalism.

DeJourno Mini-Series

Made in partnership with Crypto Sapiens

Episode One

The News Industry Then & Now

Episode Two

Web3 Tooling for Journalists

Episode Three

Combating Censorship

Episode Four

Web3 Incentivizing Journalism as a Public Good

Founding Supporters

Please take a moment to check out our lovely supporters who helped us launch.

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