Got Votes?

Got Votes?

JournoDAO is opening up some experimental new features!

In the interest of solidifying our professional network of journalists, we are launching the JournoDAO Directory to serve as a hub for communications and individual outreach. We will use this form to accept applicants for our directory, asking for certain necessary information like publication/portfolio links.

In addition to the directory, we are also launching the first iteration of the JournoDAO Voter Token! This token is non-transferable, has no monetary value, and will not confer any financial benefits. Rather, it allows us to start experimenting with community decisions.

We'd like everyone in our community to participate and are making the process as easy as possible. We'll launch the free voting token process shortly!

The initial use case we have in mind, in terms of the decisions we'd like to open to the community, is the acceptance of directory applicants! That is, JournoDAO community members, who hold the Voter Token, will be able to vote on which journalists get accepted into our official directory.

Once a journalist gets accepted into the JournoDAO Directory, they will receive an official non-transferable certificate indicating their status as a journalist in JournoDAO. This certificate will allow other projects, platforms and protocols to recognize the journalist's approved status within JournoDAO, a status which we hope will come to stand for journalistic integrity.